
Aleksandar Marić, under the artistic name Alexander Arthur Mar, was born on December 6, 1998, in Kotor. He completed elementary school and high school in Belgrade. His passion for mathematics and physics led him to the Faculty of Traffic Engineering, where he graduated in 2021 with an average grade of 9.70. After that, he went to Rome, where he completed master's studies at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Rome, specializing in Cinema and New Formats Production.

Since 2022, he has been a member of the All-Slavic Literary Society in Belgrade. His first novel, titled "A Letter from the Future" (2021), has been translated into English. He is the founder of the company Antonio Marciano, named after the main character of his novel "The Sixth God's Emissary" (2022), published by Slovensko Slovo in Belgrade, which has also been translated into English. "Koloros I - God's Wrath" (Slovensko Slovo 2022) represents the first part, and "Koloros II - God's Mercy" (Slovensko Slovo 2023) represents the second part of the epic fantasy trilogy KOLOROS.

KOLOROS II - Grace of God

Epic fantasty, Fantasty Novel, Starway

The great kingdom of Grung stands on the brink of division into two parts. Three mysterious visitors, noble and powerful figures, step onto the epic stage. Emotions have the power to kill or revive - Ros and Lija experience a fatal love, while the plant world, with its beauty and enchanting allure, offers salvation to the women of the kingdom. The alliance of land and sea, Relius and Šara, is too powerful. However, the new evil that is born and develops in secrecy will surprise both races. Divine mercy is the only way the entire concept in the new world can endure. Who is more cunning? Love or destiny? God or man? Past or future?

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God's Wrath

Epic fantasty, Fantasty Novel, Starway

By the creator's will, a new race of animal-humans is born. The mighty ruler of the defiant kingdom of Grung faces the wrath of the supreme God Koloros due to disrespect. The animals of the great sea Aron, land, and air take on human form and consciousness, initiating a ruthless battle to extermination. Knight Phoenix, with a group of chosen warriors, embarks across the Dark Sea and the Holy Mountains to implore the mercy of Koloros for the fallen human race. Female magic endowed with beauty and love through Amelija and Viola diminishes the force of evil. After the apocalypse, a new reality emerges.

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The Sixth God's Emmisary

Epic fantasty, Drama, Starway

The city of Djenova is the stage where a cosmic drama unfolds - two young individuals whose love must withstand an offer from a higher power, trading their soul for power, beauty, glory, and wealth. The stakes are high, the game is endless, and their knowledge of the rulers of the higher worlds is an unknown and eternal enigma. Mystical events are intertwined with the fates of the novel's heroes, whose earthly time is running out, and God's messengers complete their mission. The final word is spoken, the promise is given.

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from the future

Fantasty Novel, Starway

Following two guides, Anisia representing his subconscious and Paul, his destiny, the protagonist discovers incredible revelations. Through a strange twist of fate, he ends up in an imaginative world of extraordinary monsters with a group of peers. Joining forces to confront the dark side of the world, the group will find that overcoming the manifestations of Aleks's mind is not as simple as it seems.

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"Explore Aleksandar's Journey Through Words: A Tapestry of Interviews and TV Appearances

LookerWeekly - Young Writer Aleksandar Marić: 'My Message for Culture'

"Young Writer Aleksandar Marić: 'My Message for Culture – This is a fast-paced era, accelerate with changes!' · LW: How did you transition from the Faculty of Traffic Engineering ...
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Writer Aleksandar Marić for Tanjug: Serbian Literature is Losing...

Maric told Tanjug that 'Koloros - God's Wrath' is the first part of a planned trilogy, with the sequel expected as early as next year. 'Rarely does an epic fantasy novel conclude with a single part. In 'Koloros,' the story unfolds its branches, expanding with numerous characters and events," said Marić to Tanjug.
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Detinjarije - Aleksandar is 24 years old and has three published books.

He is Aleksandar P. Marić, under the artistic name Alexander Arthur Marr, and you will get to know him better if you read the books 'Letters from the Future,' 'The Sixth God's Emissary,' and 'Koloros - God's Wrath
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RTS PLANETA - Serbian national Television features Aleksandar

This afternoon, we are hosting the young writer Aleksandar Marić, who creates under the artistic name Aleksander Artur Mar. In December, he held a promotion for his latest two books: 'The Sixth God's Emissary' and 'Koloros - God's Wrath.' Marić has exceptional potential to be one of the better writers of the younger generation in Serbia.
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K1 Television - Us today - About Aleksandar Marić

We are talking with Aleksandar Marić, who has combined writing novels, a fashion brand for suits, and kickboxing.
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Informer covers the release of Letters From the Future

This young author has delved seriously into his debut work because, in addition to taking us through the pages of this novel into the world of imagination, it will undoubtedly enable us to explore areas such as anatomy, human psychology, and philosophy.
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